Friday, October 31, 2014

An Unofficial Super's Job is To Not Let It Bother You Too Much:

1. tenants have almost burned the place down resulting in my calling the fire department on one occasion: the 3rd floor apartment filling with smoke from a 2nd floor fire;

2. tenant has opened all the windows in their apartment and put the heat on 90 degrees on 14 degree nights;

3. tenants have left mountains of trash behind numerous times;

4. tenants have had all night raging parties;

5. tenants have blamed me for going into their apartments and masturbating on the floor and stealing a pack of cigarettes;

6. tenants have blamed me for running into their vehicles;

7. tenants have short changed me on the CABLE TV and INTERNET apparatus here; then, tenants hijacked my cable account where I had paid 229$/mo. for twelve years.

8. Tenants have sold to pill poppers out the front door.

9. Tenants have counted four 20's into a 100 saying they thought them 25 dollar bills when asked why they were short changing.

10. Tenants have had pets that shit all over the apartments, basement and yards for me to clean up or get cleaned up.

11. Tenant was paid 850 cash to just move out and never come back after he says to me that he is going to fuck me fuck my family and god is going to get me.

12. Tenants hijacked a cable account that I have paid 200/month for 12 years here with the cable company calling my apartment "illegal" refusing to reconnect me without proof from landlord that it is not illegal.  Then, it resulted in paying 229$/mo. for one year between 2013 and 2014 until I found out that the monthly bill is $118/mo.  for my service.

13. Tenants have clogged toilets in need of repair so that human shit needs to be cleaned while in a space suit with mask and toothbrush.

14. Corroded plumbing resulted in 100,000 flies on the property throughout the apartments until the plumber could come the next week.

15. Third floor apartment is a fire trap with tenants' objects in hallway exits.

16. Tenants don't want me clearing snow in the driveway after 12 years of clearing snow here.  Tenants said that they would call for someone else.

17. Tenants claim lease rights in parking during bans without regard to other tenant schedules and leases.

18. Tenants knock on the door complaining of the slightest overhead noise such as something dropping on the floor in the third floor apartment.

19. Tenants have accused me of "starting small fires" in the yard over my discarded filterless cigarettes burning out in grass or snow.

20. Tenants over 12 years have discarded mountains of non-biodegradable cigarette butts into the yard and in the garden that I clean up regularly.

21. Tenant complains of smoke in her apartment five minutes after I go upstairs from downstairs and find a filter cigarette butt on the front door mat that someone else smoked minutes beforehand.

22. Tenant accuses me of stealing heat when I live on the floor above and I have to explain to the tenant that "heat rises."

23. Tenant allows in strangers with keys to the door so that I have to write down license tag and report it.

24. Human feces in the driveway to clean up

25. Complaints of heavy footing in the hallway by 1st floor when 2nd floor tenant steps heavily on purpose

26. tenants intruded my apartment

27. a next door house neighbor kicked in the door on the 1st floor.  1st floor tenants called police

28. everybody on the street had their tires slashed.  I wonder why the slashers only slashed one tire on each vehicle and not two or four tires.

29. etc.

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